Go! Fruit

" Fruit " perspective is the main part àf this brahdingiand sweet richdesign.We love fruit, cause fruit can bring sourtaste to us. Juice magnifes the sensory stimulation ofacid andus fee!sweetness.In addition, drinking fruit iyice alsoiake!like a more positive and healthy lifestyle.Therefbre,thevisuallanguage of the "fruit"perspective,l wiprocess it intoarge color blocks with rich colors,,so that peope can achievea unity in the taste and the visualsenses.

" Go! Fruit " is a beverage brand dedicated tothe research and production of fresh fruit iuices andpromoting a healthy lifestyle. Go fruit consists of twowords "go" and "fruit", so l also want to use "go" and"fruit" to create my brand yisual language from thesetwo perspectives visually

9oWe use the body to walk, we use the legs to go to the destination

We often say " go get a drink " in our life. lt reminds me of thestraw, which is used for drinking. The visual language of the straw'sshape fits the visual language of "Go".

I extracted the visual language of "go" fromthe posture ano form of human wa king,

Draft design for "Go Fruit


Hanny Doggy


The magenation ofceiling fan