Andy Warhol, Five Views of an Onion,1950s
Andy Warhol, Flowers

One of my favorite artists - Andy Warhol.

Andy Warhol was an American visual artist, film

director, and producer who was a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. Andy is the first pop-art artist I know. The bright colors and simple lines in his works have always deeply attracted me.When searching for more information about Andy, I found one of his sketches, five views of an onion. The simple, smooth and natural lines outline the shapes of onions from five different perspectives, giving me a deeper understanding of pop art.

Another series of his works “Flowers "are the source of strength that inspired me to design "Miss Garden".This project has collected 8 kinds of flowers in different shapes, each with its own

characteristics and shapes. Through observation and combining with the artistic expression of artist Andy, I find a visual languages that can unify 8 different forms and express them together.

Miss Garden

New York, NY



Bellis perennis, the daisy, is aEuropean species of the familyAsteraceae, often considered thearchetypal species of the name daisy.

To distinguish this species trom other plants known as gaisies, it is sometimes qualified as common daisy, lawn daisy or English daisy.


Lilium is a genus ofherbaceous fowering plantsgrowing from bulbs, all withlarge prominent fowers.They are the true lilies. Liliesare a group of foweringplants which are importantin culture and literature inmuch of the world.Most species are native tothe northern hemisphereand their range istemperate climates andextends into the subtropics.Many other plants have"|ily" in their commonnames, but do not belongto the same genus and aretherefore not true lilies.

Phalaenopsis also known as moth orchids, is a genus of about seventy species of plants in the family

Orchidaceae. Orchids in this genus are monopodial

epiphytes or lithophytes with long, coarse roots, short, leafy stems and long-lasting, flat flowers arranged in a flowering stem that often branches near the end.

Orchids in this genus are native to India, Taiwan, China, Southeast Asia, New Guinea and Australia with the majority in Indonesia and the Philippines.

Bellis perennis

A poppy is a floweringplant in the subfamilyPapaveroideae of thefamily Papaveraceae.Poppies are herbaceousplants,often grown fortheir colourful flowers.

One species of poppy,Papayer somniferum,isthe source of the narcotic drug opium whichcontains powerfulmedicinalalkaloids such asmorphine and has been used since ancient timess an analaesic and narcotic medicina andecreationa drua,It also produces edible seed!Following the trench warfare in the poppy fieldsof Flanders, Belgium during World War l,poppies have become a symbo of remembranceof soldiers who have died during wartime,especially in the UK, US, and Canada.


It is the foral emblem of the City of Los Angelestwo of the species,S. nicolai and S. reginae, arefrequently grown as houseplants.


Some authors state that the name refersto the wide variety of fower colorsfound among the many species.As wellas being the scientifc name, iris is alsowidely used as a common name for allris species, as well as some belongingto other closely related genera. Acommon name for some species is"Aags', while the plants of the subgenusScorpiris are widely known as 'iunos',particularly in horticulture. lt is apopular garden fower.

It takes its name from the Greek worofor a rainbow, which is also the namefor the Greek goddess of the

rainbow, lris.

The tulip is a member of thelily family, Liliaceae, alongwith 14 other genera, whereit is most closely related toAmana, Erythronium andGagea in the tribe Lilieae

Lily of the valley

It is native throughout the cool temperateNorthern Hemisphere in Asia and Europebut is considered generalyinvasive inparts of North America.Conyallariamaialis var. montana, also known as theAmerican lily of the valey, is native toNorth America.

Due to the concentrationof cardiac glycosides(cardenolides),it is highlypoisonous if consumed byhumans or other animals.Other names include Maybells, Our Lady's tears, andMary's tears. lts Frenchname,muguet,sometimesappears in the names ofperfumes imitating theAower's scent.


The fowers are usually largeshowy and brightly colouredgenerally red, pink, yellow,owhite usualyin warmcolours).They often have adifferent coloured blotch at thebase of the tepals (petals andsepals,collectively), inter, nallyBecause of a degree ofvariability within thepopulations, and a long historyof cultivation, classifcation hasbeen complex and controversial.

The genus is named after Queen Charlotte ofthe United Kingdom. A common name of thegenus is bird of paradise fower/plant, becauseof a resemblance of its fowers to birds-of-paradise.In South Africa, it is commonly knownas a crane fower and is featured on the reverseof the 50-cent coin.


Hanny Doggy